PUBLIC SCREENING Closing The Loop Film by Fashion Revolution

April 23 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

Durante el marco de la Semana de Fashion Revolution en Colombia 22-28 de Abril y en conjunto con la Cinemateca Distrital traemos al público el Documental del cuál todos los entusiastas de la sostenibilidad están hablando.
Closing The Loop es el primer documental que habla sobre la Revolución de la Economía Circular en el mundo, presentado por el Prof. Dr. Wayne Visser, experto en sostenibilidad global, y Graham Ehlers Sheldon, dos veces ganador del Premio Telly y del Premio Emmy.
Presenta casos innovadores a nivel mundial incluyendo Suramérica, que documentan el paso de una economía línear de tomar-hacer-tirar a una economía cero residuos de préstamo-uso-retorno. Presentado en colaboración con el Circular Economy Club.
No te lo puedes perder!


Screening by Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences (HSRW) In Kleve, Germany.

FREE Screening of Closing the Loop

Closing the Loop is the world’s first feature-length documentary film on the circular economy. On April the 2nd, we will screen the movie at the Audimax (Rhine-Waal University in Kleve, Germay). The film will be screened in English with German subtitles.


Date & Timings: April 2, 2019 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm


Audimax, Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences
Marie-Curie-Straße 1
47533 Kleve, Germany

Closing the Loop’ – Circular Economy Revolution Film Screening

“Unless we go circular, it’s game over for the planet; it’s game over for society”

Join the Circular Economy Club – Manchester, as part of the Global CEC network, for the first showing of ‘Closing the Loop’ in Manchester.

‘Closing the Loop’ multi award winning film, hailed as one of the most ground-breaking documentaries on the circular economy in 2018.

In support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (especially Goal 12 on Responsible Consumption and Production), the documentary explores five key strategies for achieving circularity – reduce, reuse, recycle, renew and reinvent – by showcasing examples from Europe, Latin America and Africa and featuring insights from experts from the likes of the World Economic Forum and the Universities of Cambridge and Harvard.